Current Event 9/25
An armed, handicapped man was shot Wednesday because of the belief that he was reaching for his gun. According to CNN and the article, ‘Delaware police shoot man in wheelchair; his relatives ask why’, Jeremy McDole had a .38 caliber gun & was surrounded by local police. Loudly, they demanded that he put the gun down and put his hands up. Police say he did not listen and went to reach for his gun, resulting in Jeremy McDole laying on the pavement with his wheelchair by his side. This article affects me because my mom is considered handicapped. I think the police did what they thought was right. They could have talked to him a little bit more to get more information before shooting. But they believed they weren’t safe, so the acted upon it. His mother was also mad because she believed he had his hands in his lap. I can see where both sides are coming from. This affects the world because it brings up the ‘racial’ shootings & people who aren’t as privileged. People believe they shouldn’t shoot them because of who they are. This also affects the world because there are two sides to the story. The mother, who believes he was just putting his hands in his lap, and then the police, who beloved they were threatened. Either way, this brings lots of questions up that might never be answered.